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Banned songs

Why are you banning songs on spotify?

This app should contain freedom of speech. Spotify supports violent Israël songs but bannes peacefully pro palestinian songs like Hind Halls made by Macklemore. What a shame. I'm paying for spotify: Spotify should be political objective and they are not.

2 Replies

They haven’t banned any songs? There’s a difference between not listing a song and outright banning it and technically they don’t ban any songs. As a private platform and corporate entity, they do reserve the right to publish any song (or not) at their discretion.  

I’ve seen plenty of the same with certain artist on Apple Music had nothing to do with political issues. I’ll leave my personal opinion on this out of the matter other than after looking at the lyrics I will say it’s probably for the best. Considering how inflammatory they are as well as blatantly misinformed regarding those issues. 

Spotify's decisions on song bans may seem inconsistent. Advocating for political neutrality and transparency in their content moderation policies could foster trust and respect among users, promoting inclusivity and freedom of expression.

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