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Step 1


Thank you Spotify


Thank you Spotify

Hey you, Yes you who work at Spotify.

Tell your fellow colleagues that their service is just so good.

Sometimes I discover a new song I love by clicking on something that just pops up ... and then, a whole list of recommandations appear with just so many other songs that rock and fit my mood so well. Really good recommandation system you got here my friends.

I've been wanting to write this mail a few times. Now I take the time to do it.

God, your service is so damn good !

(ps: I don't work at Spotify not do I know anyone there)

6 Replies

Agreed. I hear all this bad stuff but Spotify is a joy for me too. I go out seeking new artists on spotify and it's so simple. I also do not work for spotify nor am I a paid spokesman. I approve this message

Thanks for posting on the Community!
I'll pass your feedback on to the teams backstage! 🙂

Yay! Positivity!

True Talon

In reality, the least interesting answer is usually the correct one.In reality, the least interesting answer is usually the correct one.

Oh no, Happy People !!!   Lol

Dear Spotify,

Please do provide options to remove unwanted content.

I also lake Spotify. But their new look on Android main page is not that good. Just big boxes.

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