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Albums and Songs missing from ipad and android devices

Albums and Songs missing from ipad and android devices


Hi all,

I have 16 songs in a playlist for 何韻詩 , this works perfectly on the PC, with either web player or Spotify PC cilent.

However on mobile devices, there are only 9 tracks???

Android: Shows "16 tracks" on Playlist, but only lists 9
iPad   : Shows "9 tracks"  on Playlist, and lists 9

Initially i thought this was a playlist sync issue, but turns out some albums are simply not there on Andriod and iPad.

On the PC, if you click on the Artist, it shows a dozen albums. But on Android/iPad, it only shows 4, which i think is the real issue.

I've already switched off phone, clear cache+saved data etc, but no use.

It's the first time I've used Spotify and this is a rather crippling issue to what looks like a promising service.

Thanks, Ryoma


2 Replies

Could you post a link to the playlist?

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hmmmm, sorry for the mis-diagnosis, turns out it's the "Unable to Play Track" problem.

On the iPad, once i changed the setting to not hide unplayable tracks, then i get the full list of 16 songs, though some are greyed out and says "Unable to Play Track" when you click it.

Don't think there's an equivalent UNHIDE setting on the Android mobile, so i can't test playing the greyed out songs.

Thanks, Ryoma

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