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How to: program a NFC for true 'one-touch' playing a song on Spotify?

How to: program a NFC for true 'one-touch' playing a song on Spotify?

My Question/Issue

I would like to create a NFC in such way, that when touched by my iPhone:

  • It automatically opens the Spotify App AND the song AND automatically plays the song. So true one-touch'.

So far I only get the pop-up of the Spotify App, but then I have to manually touch it to continue opening Spotify App and to start the track playing. I am looking for a way to skip this step and hane 'true one-touch' playing a song in Spotify.


What I have done

In NFCtools for iOS I built 2 records:

  1. ‘Write’ > ‘Add a record’ > ‘Custom URL / URI’ > pasted the link created in Spotify > removed the ‘?’ and everything after it > ‘OK’

  2. ‘Add record’> ‘Custom URL / URI’ > typed ‘spotify:playlist’ and added the link of step 1, again with the removal of the question mark and everything after it. And also removed the first part ‘https://open.spotify/track/’ (so only the code remains) > OK.

  3. Use ‘Write’ to write the info to the NFC tag.

Unfortunately, this only brings the pop-up of Spotify App, but I still have to manually confirm to open Spotify and start playing the song..

So what do I have to do, to be able to skip that manual confirmation step, and have 'true one-touch' playing a song with Spotify?

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