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Spotify via iPhone is not working in BMW

Spotify via iPhone is not working in BMW

I have serveral songs offline on my iPhone.

When I start playing Spotify in my BMW via iDrive, it works for about 10 minutes.

Then it stops. When I disconnect the iPhone, from the BMW, I can hear the songs via the iPhone.

When I start my car again, it works again for about 10 minutes.


Does someone recognize this problem? and have a solution?

5 Replies

@Plomp wrote:

I have serveral songs offline on my iPhone.

When I start playing Spotify in my BMW via iDrive, it works for about 10 minutes.

Then it stops. When I disconnect the iPhone, from the BMW, I can hear the songs via the iPhone.

When I start my car again, it works again for about 10 minutes.


Does someone recognize this problem? and have a solution?

Are you streaming via bluetooth or USB?



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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I'm having the same problem, using an iPhone 5 with iOS7, streaming music through BMW iDrive will not work, tried with BT and USB both. Car Info: BMW 328i GT, MY2014, with Professional Navi [10.2 inch screen] It will sometimes shows track info and album info, or even album artwork, but as soon as i change a track via steering wheel control, it will say unknown...... Please spotify FIX this, it's been a problem for far too long

Spotify and in car issues on iOS 7 are being investigated over on this bugs topic.

If you haven't already done so, I would add your details there. 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Since upgrading to the latest version of Spotify, my IPod Touch 4th Gen has stopped connecting properly to my BMW 3 series IDrive which is a 2009 model. I can manually start the songs, and hear them via the Y Cable, but have lost the ability to use the Steering wheel to skip through tracks, and normally when I turn the car off, the ITouch pauses Spotify and returns to the same place in the track when I get back into the car.


I also have noticed now that I am using my IPhone5 instead, that although it works, it is intermittent ie: sometimes it will connect and I can skip tracks and the track name shows up in the IDrive window, and sometimes it is just like the IPod Touch issue, every two or three times I get in the car and reboot the Phone, it suddenly works.


Something has definitely changed, and it can't be IOS7.0 as the IPod Touch doesn't use it, it is still on IOS6.0.


thanks for any help.

Could you post details in this bug topic please.

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