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Streaming saved playlist

Streaming saved playlist

Long time pro user. After the most recent update I saved some playlists to my device (iPhone5) to listen at work without using data. Discovered today to my horror that even though the lists were stored it still streamed all day at 320 and burned a ton of data! Only way to stop it was to switch to offline mode. I never used to have to do that - the app recognized stored content and played from the device rather than streaming it. What's changed?
3 Replies

Hey, sorry to hear that! Are you sure songs you played were downloaded? All of them? Also, are you sure that Spotify used this mobile data and not some other app?

I am sure Spotify was the culprit. I am less sure that every single song on
the (large) playlist had been downloaded - but I thought so

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You can easily check that, every song has a download indicator next to it. Try letting Spotify download all of them and check again if Spotify uses your data when playing offline playlist.

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