Help Wizard

Step 1


can't update my email

can't update my email


I'm trying to update my email but the website asks me for the current password.
When I confirm the password out replies "password is not correct" although it is.

Please help, I subscribed to one month premium but I want to change my email to get the verification link.

Thank you.
3 Replies

Hi there! I recommend reaching out directly to Spotify Support. With this anonymous online contact form, you can reach them without subscribing to / having access to a Spotify account or the email that was used to create that account.

Make sure to check your inbox and junk folder for an email from Spotify. Once you get it, make sure to reply back right away, even if it says it's from a "no-reply" email. This will assign your case to a Spotify rep and you should hear back within 24 hours.


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I will.
Thank you.

Are you definitely sure you are using the correct password?


It is easy to get confused, if your Spotify account was created using your email address but you subsequently logged in using Facebook you could actually have two seperate passwords that allow you to access Spotify - one tied to your Spotify username and your Facebook details. 



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