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European Song Contest - Ergänzen Land, welches der Interpret vertritt

Wiedermal ein tolles Ereignis in Malmö gehabt. Zu den bereitgestellten Playlists wäre es nett, wenn bei den Interpreten dabei stehen würde, welches Land sie vertreten. 

Updated on 2024-05-13

Hey @chfesi57,

Thanks for bringing your feedback to the Idea Exchange!

We’re closing this idea since it doesn’t meet one of our Idea Exchange guidelines, namely point 2: Ideas should be posted in English.

Feel free to submit your idea(s) again, making sure that it adheres to the above guidelines.

Thanks for understanding.

Status changed to: Closed - Doesn't Meet Requirements

Updated on 2024-05-13

Hey @chfesi57,

Thanks for bringing your feedback to the Idea Exchange!

We’re closing this idea since it doesn’t meet one of our Idea Exchange guidelines, namely point 2: Ideas should be posted in English.

Feel free to submit your idea(s) again, making sure that it adheres to the above guidelines.

Thanks for understanding.