
Help Wizard

Step 1


Remove the ridiculous 15hour time limit on audiobooks included with your premium account

If I am already paying for premium that includes audiobooks I should not have to pay more to listen to the books included with my subscription.

Updated on 2024-05-03

Hey @Tylerwondertony,


Thanks for bringing your feedback to the Idea Exchange!


We’re closing this idea since it doesn’t meet one of our Idea Exchange guidelines, namely point 7: No pricing, subscription or content related requests.


Thanks for understanding.

Status changed to: Closed - Doesn't Meet Requirements

Updated on 2024-05-03

Hey @Tylerwondertony,


Thanks for bringing your feedback to the Idea Exchange!


We’re closing this idea since it doesn’t meet one of our Idea Exchange guidelines, namely point 7: No pricing, subscription or content related requests.


Thanks for understanding.