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Albums often shuffle by default, even when shuffle is not enabled

Albums often shuffle by default, even when shuffle is not enabled

I never want to shuffle play an Album, especially not by default. This behavior is fine for playlists, but when I go to an album it's either for a specific song or to listen to the album start to finish. Why then does it default to shuffle playing, even if I was already listening to something else with shuffle disabled? This happens on Mobile (android) and Desktop (Windows and Mac). It's honestly my biggest frustration with Spotify altogether
2 Replies

Quand j'écoute un album et que j'arrête la lecture quand je veux reprendre la lecture l'appli continue bien sur le dernier morceau écouter mais ensuite il enchaîne aléatoirement sur les premiers morceau mais ne poursuit pas l'album dans l'ordre ... je ne suis pas en lecture aléatoire et je n'utilise pas la lecture continue .... je veux simplement qu'il lise l'album dans l'ordre et reprenne la ou j'en étais

@New user


Hey there, Welcome to the Community!! 😉


Spotify has recently started allowing users to disable the default shuffle setting in their settings. To do so, go to Settings > Music Quality > Playback > Enable Shuffle. You can also disable the shuffle option when playing an album by clicking the "Shuffle" button at the bottom of the Now Playing screen.



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