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Diacritic keys acting weird on from ubuntu testing ppa

Diacritic keys acting weird on from ubuntu testing ppa

My locale is pt-BR, which features some letters with diacritics (glyphs that can be added to other glyphs, like the ^ in â).


The expected behavior of the diacritic keys is:


 - the user press the diacritic key, let's say ^

 - nothing changes visually

 - the user press the key of the letter to add the diacritic to, like a

 - â is added to the text at cursor


What is happening is:


- the user press the diacritic key, again ^

- the diacritic is added to the last typed character (or appears alone if it's a blank space)


AFAIK this behavior is no subject to debate. Every single software and operating system that I've used supporting QWERTY keyboards with diacritics and this locale behave this way.


It's much easier to simply ignore accentuation than to invert the order of key presses, because this order gets deeply ingrained in the brain as you learn to type.


The OS is Xubuntu Wily amd64.

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