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How can I make sure my files play the correct versions?

How can I make sure my files play the correct versions?

I couldn't find a similar thread on my topic (also this somewhat applies to both Mac and Android Spotify versions).


I have a concert recording of Dave Matthews Band from his Caravan show at The Gorge in September of 2011.  (You know those people who go to the concerts with nice audio gear in backpacks that have microphones that stick up into the air over the crowd, then distribute the recordings to the people at the show.)  Anyway, I have those files converted from FLAC to mp3's and put into playlists per day.  The playlists are then synced with my Android phone.


The songs came with their own identification meta-data, however in Spotify, some of the songs show up as "Live Versions" from Dave's other live albums (like Central Park or Wrigley Field) in the playlist listing.


How can I know for sure if the file that's being played (on both Mac and my Android device) is my local file and not a stream of the wrong version?

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