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[Android] Android Widget

Having a home screen widget for Android would be really nice. All other media players have one on Android so it'd be great to see that in Spotify too. It'd make things so much easier to just be able control to Spotify from your home screen instead of swiping down for the notification bar or opening the app. It's really simple functionality so please can you add it.

Updated on 2019-09-09

Hey folks, 


Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this idea in the Community.


We’re excited to let you know the Android Widget is back. To get listening, make sure you’re on the latest version of the app and Spotify will show in the widget menu on your device. The widget is now resizable too and some stability issues have been fixed. 




We appreciate your passion for this feature and want to thank you all for your feedback!


I'm not an app developer, but it is difficult to imagine that a widget/feature that was already created could require significant resources to update. And I don't know of any other reason why you would remove a feature unless it was taking up significant resources.


Bring it back.


Have Spotify hired idiots now? I cannot think of one rational reason you thought it was a good idea to remove the widget, don't be surprised when people use an alternative player..


Not the best solution but in the meantime you can use a 3rd party widget 


Ubiquity Music Widget


Took my phone this morning, looked at my home screen, searched my F*****g Spotify widget, only to be greeted with a blank spot... I thought it was a glitch at first but then ended up here... Why would you remove this amazing feature!? 

Spotify is the best music app in my opinion. But now you gave a good reason to use other music apps. Every other music app has a widget...

Please bring this back ASAP!




I'm so glad I'm getting music app recommendations from other dissatisfied costumers. Definitely checking some out 🙂 not happy with Spotify


i used spotify for the past 1,5 yers now and was really happy all in all. but now they removed the widget i used everyday und was placed right in the middl of m homescreen. i just dont underdestad why they removed it because hardly every other streaming or MP3 app has such an 4x1 widget. i hope that they will bring it back soon otherwise i need to look for an alternative. does anyone know a solution or something i can use meanwhile? 


Can't believe this was removed. Will give it a few weeks to come back before I cancel membership. 


Huge loss. I know you have made up your mind, but I voted anyway just to expres my disappointment in your decision. This is the first change spotify has made that I don't agree with.


The only thing I can think of that would motivate a change like this is to clear the way for more ad revenue. If paying users just start and stop music from the widget, we don't get the "how about this artist" pop ups and other in-app ads, which I presume earn Spotify additional revenue beyond my subscription. 


One more renewal cycle before I switch back to Google Music - UI is the only thing that made me change in the first place.


Hey, so, what about putting the widget back