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[Android] Swipe to Queue a Track

Firstly let me say I have been using Spotify since it launched here in the US and have seen a lot of great improvements over the years. Great job!

I am a music listener who likes to let the current track play out before starting a new one.
I love what you have done on the iOS side with swipe to queue.

Can you show Android some love and put this story in your backlog? 🙂

Thanks for listening!

Updated on 2022-03-04

Hey folks,

Thanks for coming to the Spotify Idea Exchange and voting to make this happen.

We're happy to announce that this feature is now rolling out on Android devices. If you don't see it yet, don't worry as it will be available for you soon. Just make sure to keep your app up to date. 

Once again, thanks for helping us make Spotify better, by participating here on the Community.


Please, please, please add this!


I'm also curious as to why this has not been done, and why the spotify devs don't seem to be interested in doing this... why they won't even seem to comment on it! I can't think of a technical reason to avoid it, would love at least an explanation, because the lack of feature is a major drawback


Rolling onto 6 years for this? Recently switched from iOS to android and it's ridiculous that members have been asking for 6 years and it STILL hasn't been implemented? 


It's the biggest quality of life feature that's amazing on iOS. Spotify, what are you doing. There's literally no practical reason for not adding this to android.


Get. Off. Your. Arses. 


One of the most essential and useful features on the iOS app, and I'm mind-blown that it doesn't exist on Android. It's incredibly annoying to accidentally switch songs when I forget swiping doesn't work, or to have to scroll through a long list of actions to find the queue option; it's especially useful in the car when I can't afford to look at a screen long enough to search for the queue option, or am queueing up dozens of songs as the passenger in a long road trip. Makes no sense to offer this as a natural and standard way to navigate the app in iOS but not on Android. 


At this point i feel like the spotify team is making a joke out of not giving this simple feature to the community, even though imo EVERY SINGLE android user would appreciate it. I simply can't understand how this is an ongoing thing for 5+ years, and no one seems to care. As a paying customer, i feel disrespected and not valued at all. 


I mean 6 thousands f'in people got so annoyed by this, they googled this exact problem, found this page, logged in with their Spotify account, probably confirmed their email just to upvote this AND NO ONE CARES i just cant get my head behind this


The worst is that Spotify promised this when they implemented it on iOS. And on 2018 they said 'not right now'? 

They preffer to ruin the desktop app than do this.


can yall hurry tf up? Im legit gonna go use another streaming service or continue to listen to my downloaded music somewhere else? Yall keep treating android users like second class citizens. It's getting annoying. There are way too many differences between the ios version and the android version. It's sad that it's been almost SIX years and still nothing has been done about it.


This is beyond frustrating the devs and PM don't implement this. This is a must have and can't be on the backlog for six years.


Give us a reason Spotify. This ain't hard. At this point, after they've removed long-press as well, it seems like they're purposefully crippling the Android app.