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[Search] Bring back Advanced Search

Up until recently, users were able to refine their search by using advanced options which are, sadly, no longer available.

I'm a musicologist, and small features such as being able to search by record label are quite important for me, as it should be for anyone who is not just a passive consumer of music! If you also believe that we need this feature back, support this thread.

Updated on 2018-09-24

Hey folks,


Thanks for coming to the Spotify Community.


We're happy to confirm that Advanced Search is now available on Mobile and Desktop. 

For example, searching by 'year:', or 'label:'.


All the best,





It could be the same for search by year getting all the albums of a same year by clicking the year of release on any album page.  But that could imply that the release year displayed is the original release year of any album and not a digital release year.




All albums by year is an frigging enormous data set. It's so big, that for me I don't think I would ever use search by year, The only use case I could see this happening is if I could scope it to search only within my own library.

Millennials discover paginated queries.

I'm kiddin, but, the solution to the problem you mention is not like super hard.
Lol yeah, I want to page though 10s of 1000s of pages. Sounds usable to me...
Yeah, well it's gonna be hard. Maybe, just maybe, a little bit harder than writing "tens of thousands". Go figure.

From an API point of view it makes sense, but paginating a query that could potentially return a million items doesn’t solve the big data problem unless you add in some sort of refiners, and that’s building a whole new ui. Don’t get me wrong, I’d absolutely love to see it and have that kind of power over my searches, but given the limitation of the current interface, searching by year IMHO doesn’t narrow the result set down enough to be able to be able to effectively “browse” the results.

Even with the advanced search the way it used to be, there were some usability issues with browsing the result view without having a way to sort or further refine the results.

Just a guy with 2 cents to spend here. Take with a grain of salt.

The feature was already implemented. To be honest I don’t remember if it returned something by only typing year:1945, but I remember searching like genre:jazz year:2005 and having a lot of fun with that. Didn’t need any extra UI, it was just an advanced search for “power users”, and it was awesome 😄
Cool. I didn’t know that you could combine them like that. I would have liked that a lot too had I known. Guess I’ll never know now that they’ve taken it away 😃

This feature is mandatory! I can not understand why it has been removed! Spotify “needs” some more advanced search capabilities! I am quite annoyed with this feature removal....


As many of you said here, this is an essential feature to those who want a deeper experience using Spotify.


I used to make lots of searchs using genre, artist and year filters along with the reproduction termometer in Windows client. TBH, that was how I discovered lots of new musics and indie-underground artists. So far, this decision made by Spotify devs team has been totally painful to my user experience. Like an arrow through my heart!

There might be a good reason to remove this feature for now, but we all hope they can bring it back or create a similar tool - I expect a better one - for those that really enjoy exploring the vast Spotify music library!