
Help Wizard

Step 1


Way to prevent duplicates in playlists.

I have big playlists, and would like a built in way to prevent duplicates from occuring in my playlists.  This could be an option to prevent, or select/hide duplicates.

Update 2015-03-17


Hello everyone. Spotify here. With the latest release of the Desktop app, this feature is now available across Desktop, iOS and Android. Thanks for the feedback. Enjoy!


Screen Shot 2015-03-17 at 16.42.29.png


It would be great to have an optional "deduplicate" function for playlists!


Why has Spotify not implemented this yet? For a service that is more playlist-heavy than any other service, finding duplicates is essential. 


My "New Tunes" playlist has a bunch of duplicates I'm sure... especially considering I'll start a radio station based on "New Tunes" and we all know Radio will sometimes play the same song as in a playlist. And I'll say "Oh, I like this!" not remembering it's already in the playlist from months ago. Add to said playlist = Instant duplicates.


Also, I make playlists from Spotify apps like Lazify. After re-creating a playlist based on what Lazify gives me... sure I get some duplicates but I get some additional new music as well. If I could just add multiple songs to a playlist without duplicates even being added... that would be ideal.


Really annoying stuff. Get on it Spotify! Please. Enough consideration!


I'd like to have an small icon that indicates that it's in a playlist. Somewhat like when you have downloaded a track, but when you click the icon you go automatically to the place in the playlist it's in.


Spotify, please date your 'Under Consideration'.  We have no idea if we have been waiting since the request went up or if it has just recently been placed under consideration.   Again, this is a feature that is plain silly to be missing.  Every other music program that has playlists has this feature.  It really isn't hard to do.  


How long till this under construction gets constructed.....this by far is the only non-feature that bugs me about spotify... otherwise lovin it....can't wait for twitter music app on here 🙂


I really like this suggestion to solve the issue:


... add a note next to the playlist name that shows whether the selected song is already present.


I also want to ask how long before we get this update?  I too have big playlists and need to be able to quickly select to remove duplicates.  


CAVEAT -- it needs to be EXACT duplicates, as sometimes I might have 3 different versions of a track, and I want to keep all those.


Here's hoping... as this one has been in the works it seems for a year?


What a shame. A great idea and we're a year later and it hasn't been implemented yet.


Not sure if someone else has posted this idea (i haven't had time to go through all 24 pages of posts), but would a way to stop duplicates being added to a playlist be to have an indicator in the "add to.." menu? i.e. if i find a song i like, clicking through to the "add to" menu might have a check box next to each playlist this song is already in.  This way i could also remove the song from this playlist and add it to another one instead (for example, i have playlists called 5 stars, 4 stars, 3 stars etc - if i decide to reallocate one from 4 to 3 stars, i could uncheck the 4 stars and check the 3 stars - voila! song moved!) Refer to the roughly photoshopped example below:Untitled.jpg


I think it would be a great idea if we also could be able to see which playlist each song is added to when you're in the library.  That way If I got "macarena" in two different playlists and can go to one of them and delete it - that way I will also see from where I'm deleting it from.


In the end I really hope I can be able to directly delete a song from within the library. Not nessecerly from the entire computer but from spotify itself. Even being able to choose from either of those choises would be awesome!