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Embrace The Sound of Halloween ๐ŸŽƒ ๐Ÿ‘ป


Embrace The Sound of Halloween ๐ŸŽƒ ๐Ÿ‘ป


A Playlist for your brave Trick Rโ€™ Treaters. Donโ€™t shuffle as it starts off Kid Friendly, Movie/Video Game Openers, to Obscure Spine Chilling Sound Effects to Enhance your Animatronics. Duration 5 1/2hrs.


6 Replies

Oh ffs itโ€™s not even October yet! Couldnโ€™t you have waited until then?

You have a Doom Metal playlist for me to check out bud?

Even though it's way early for Halloween, you gotta get those playlists out there early enough for people to know about them in plenty of time, to start thinking about using them in time. I was thinking about this playlist, the other day. I heard a new release that was playing on my "Release Radar", and I thought it would be fitting for it. I also remembered something else that I thought would fit, a year or so ago. I just figured that I'd share these, with you, to see if you thought they would work for your playlist. Also, I figured I'd help advertise your playlist, around this time, so I added it to my profile, for the time being.

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