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South African Dance - Die Beste (The Best) Afrikaanse Sokkie Playlist


South African Dance - Die Beste (The Best) Afrikaanse Sokkie Playlist

Sokkie is a style of music and dance that is unique to Southern Africa and mostly popular with Afrikaners. It is also referred to in Afrikaans  as "langarm", "sakkie-sakkie" and "Water-pomp". Sokkie, meaning ‘sock ’ in Afrikaans, refers to the way young people dance (young at heart). By some, Sokkie is viewed as awkwardly intimate and sweaty and by others, it is viewed as a good time. In general, Sokkie could merely be a sock, or it could be music with a great beat.


Follow the playlist with the following link: 


Spotify se beste Sokkie Treffers Playlist met die beste Afrikaanse dansmusiek. Met kunstenaars soos Kurt Darren, Gerhard Steyn, Lianie May, Brendan Peyper, Nicholis Louw, Adam en vele meer. Dis tyd om die vloer nat te maak! 

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