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vibey indie christian music


vibey indie christian music

if u want non mainstream christian/worship or just want to expand christian music my vibes but JESUS!!! playlist is 17hr 14 m long

3 Replies

Thanks so much!! Love your playlists!


My friend/worship leader, Sharif Iman, has a vibe that could go well with some of your playlists. Here's a link to the single he released in October, "Lights in the Dark," in case you might want to take a listen. He has another single coming out Jan 15th, "On My Way" and is planning to release a couple more singles around Valentine's Day. He's a strong follower of Christ and his music is heavily influenced by his faith and by his soul/R&B & rock roots.


God's blessings!


Hi Bri! This is an awesome playlist. I wanted to share our soul cover of Graves into Gardens with you to see if it would be a good fit. Thanks!

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