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Why can i block a singer but not a podcaster?


Why can i block a singer but not a podcaster?

Am i the only one here who finds this thing absurd? 

I mean, I can prevent myself from hearing the songs of an artist i don't like but not the podcasts of a podcaster i don't like?

Why can't i be able block them, in the same way i can do with artists?

Isn't it spotify a music app? Why are the podcasters untouchable? And why it keep on suggesting me that one podcast that i don't like and i don't want to hear?

I pay 12 euros per month, i MUST be able to choose what i want to hear and what i don't...

3 Replies

Hi! You are definitely not the only person who wants this! It looks like this is a really popular feature request in the Ideas section that's unfortunately been marked with a "Not Right Now" status. It's worth upvoting the idea and sharing your reason for wanting it in the thread. 

In terms of practical ideas, your best bet is probably to try to get the another podcast recommended to you. I'd try listening to (or even just have it running and muted) and favoriting a couple of other podcasts in a very different genre to get those floated to the top of your feed.

Hope this helps!


Yes! I just chatted with an agent about this and have been trying to get this as a thing myself as well.


Why can we do this for artists but not podcasts? It makes no sense!

I get unwanted and idiotic suggested podcasts in my suggested playlist; The only thing some podcasts have with me in common is my native language. I don't want these stupid things; but, I'm driving in my car, NOT fumbeling my phone, and thus spotify plays some content, until I press next. And then, the algoritm thinks I liked it. I want to DISLIKE the suggested podcast so that it disappears from the suggestion list. I pay for my subscription!

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