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How to remove Black Lives Matter playlist


How to remove Black Lives Matter playlist

I'm a paying customer - paying for listening to the music I LIKE, not to listen your political agenda. Why I should listen to such titles as "Richard Pryor - Niggers vs. The Police" or "N.W.A - **bleep** Tha Police". This is on your "Black Live Matter" playlist!. 
If this playlist won't be removed from my home-screen I'm cancelling my subscription! 

88 Replies

Lulz, I dropped my subscription a couple years ago when spotify removed music because it was considered racist to listen to.


Here's the thing with spotify: They literally don't care what you think.


1. They create playlists and shove them in your library. I contacted them and asked them to stop and they pretended it wasn't happening.

2. Change the UI controls on mobile devices - you can no longer tap by muscle memory and have to take your eyes off the road to use the app. I contacted them repeatedly and received no response.

3. Changed my password when I left a negative review because of bad design and poorly designed behavior. Like I'm going to contact them over that, lulz.


And now they're shoving politics in y'all's faces.


Spotify, you were there to stop piracy. You made it easy and affordable to not pirate.


You're failing again.



Ive been a paying customer for years. I cancelled my subscription yesterday. I cannot and will not support a company that promotes violence. Promoting what’s going on riot now is the promotion of violent and extreme behavior. I will not be giving Spotify or any other company financial support when they openly support violence.

I've attached a screenshot of the list of one of these playlists and its entirely "Explicit" content.


This is what my kids had on this morning.


How is this content progressive?

How do you expect to make progress when you promote music that uses words like "**bleep**" in it?

How do you expect to make progress when you promote music that uses words like "**bleep**" and "Hoe's" to refer to women?


This is the exact OPPOSITE of progressive.



Screen Shot 2020-06-04 at 8.51.04 AM.png

>lack of attention


What do you mean 'lack of attention?' BLM has been everywhere for the past 7 years, we're all very aware of it. It's all over social media, it's on the news, it permeates just about everything. 

Your loss Spotify..


In a day and age of powerful engineering. If you don't offer a music system without racist political agenda, then that leaves a large availability of the market. Thank you Spotify.


Would it be reasonable for a playlist to be named White Music Matters Playlist?


Building your cheap web-server in Python and Java is completely out dated and slow, which is what causes so many user bugs.


Don't be shocked while your customers will soon make their own alternative music hub on a better software platform.


Agreed. This is divisive race-baiting BS is not what I'm paying for. As a police officer, with black colleagues, this honestly sickens me. Empty corporate virtue-signaling. If they don't address it, and at least remove the highlighted songs, I'm cancelling my sub. I'm sure most of their PAYING premium members are people who don't agree with this BS rhetoric.


Wonder who they'll call if their offices get looted? The Police?...ohh...Wonder who they'll call if their offices get looted? The Police?...ohh...

You censored "**bleep** the Police" but not the n word?? No ones making you listen to any playlist, if you're racist just ignore it and move on and stop trying to make yourself a victim because you saw a playlist on Spotify. People are being killed in the streets. **bleep** off. 

really. this is what sickens you? not the innocent black people being murdered in the street? gain some perspective you simple minded self obsessed pig

Kind of like David Dorn? Yeah, nobody knows about him because media will not report on it. He was a retired BLACK police officer who was MURDERED by rioters. No protests, no riots, not a **bleep**ing WORD from the racist mainstream media about it. His life did not matter to them because it doesn't push their agenda. You ignorant young fool! SAY HIS NAME. DAVID DORN. WHY NOT SAY HIS NAME???

You've been so brainwashed it's really sad. BLM doesn't CARE about black people, wake up. They do NOTHING to address the FACT that 75% of black children are born to single mothers. They do NOTHING to address the dozens of BLACK police officers who die in the line of duty serving their community. They do NOTHING to address the fact that for every one black man killed by police (including justified killings to save their life or an innocent civilian) there are FIFTEEN black men who are killed by another black man. This is not news. These lives don't matter to the MSM or BLM because it does not push the agenda of hatred and division. Wake up, young one.

Hey guess what. When black men are killed by other black men, they get arrested and charged with murder. Theres no outrage over that because its already illegal and being combated. Theres no murder charges in countless instances when police kill civilians. The reason so many African-american children are born into low income and single parent households is because of systemic racism WHICH IS ALSO WHAT THESE PROTESTS ARE ABOUT. My heart breaks for any innocent cop who is killed in the line of duty, but they signed up and volunteered for that dangerous job. Floyd, Taylor and countless others did not make any choice, but had theirs taken away from them.


I didn't pay spotify $10/month to watch political debate, and see "N**** vs the police", "F**K the police",  "police get away wit murder", FDT, etc violent and/or sexual explicit songs on my main screen every time I want to listen to some tunes.

The fact that you are debating with others about BLM on a music streaming forum shows spotify is stepping out of line by bring politics into what's supposed to be an entertainment platform.


Remember the old saying, No politics at dining table? It's not to say people should not care about politics, but there are certain times and places that politics should not be the center of the attention.


I sincerely apologize. I didn't appreciate the true extent of what you are having to go through. You're telling me you have to see song titles you don't agree with on a music platform? It probably happened more than once too I bet. If you have a gofundme, i'd love to support you and any family who might also experienced the incredible trauma of seeing an NWA song on the home page of Spotify.


Music has and always will be political. Would you complain if you saw American **bleep** by Green Day on the front, or some Bob Dylan? I simply cannot fathom how narcissistic and self-centered you have to be to think anybody cares at all about how the name of a song hurt your feelings. 

no politics on player, or back to my mp3 collection. up to spotify as a business to decide.

Hey Dangerdays. Spotify actively siding with BLM and spreading their message of riot and violence is a big fing deal. 


It almost seems like you don't mind that looters have already killed quite a few black people and devasted a lot of black communities?


It is common knowledge to anyone including you, me and Spotify what the BLM is and how it operates. Remember the Ferguson riots? Everybody knows that those riots led to an economic crisis for the local black communities and many of the areas looted in those riots are still economically devastaed. Why would anyone pretend riots help? 


I'm certainly not going to support a company that promotes such meaningless crime, violence and destruction of private property. 

Contacted them they refused, i said i don't want this forced into a paying service and have to in future have spotify push political and other issues in my face when i just want to listen to music. I was told no it won't be for long. So... I deleted my account like thousands of others. This is only the start of them doing this.

Spotify, remove this from the homepage. People can still look up this music if they want to. But people are being killed, stores and businesses destroyed, lives ruined, because of the nonsensical destructive rioting and looting. It's chaos in some cities. How can you not understand someone doesn't want to come home after having their car surrounded in the street, made to feel unsafe by huge gatherings of angry people blocking cars, throwing bricks, burning buildings, with no police protection and they see the "F the police" stuff on their homepage of their music? Remove it, or we will be unsubscribing from your platform because it is pushing politics. 

Daily reminder that neither Spotify nor frankly anyone else cares about your opinions on this forum. They have a process, so if you want results then you need to follow their process. This involves liking this thread:


Customize Start Screen 


Steps I've taken so far and recommend:

  1. Vote for the Customize Start Screen idea
  2. Remember to also comment on the Customize Start Screen idea, making it abundantly clear that you want the option to remove undesirable content such as political and other material you deem offensive or inappropriate from your start screen. The UI on that thread is different, you need to scroll way down to find the comment section.
  3. Cancel your Premium subscription, citing the BLM In Solidarity claptrap as the reason
  4. Tweet and push on social media the message below to create awareness that this is a dismal failure on Spotify's part. We will not tolerate Spotify pushing political opinions on our behalf, or down our throats. Just the tunes, thank you.

Hi @Spotify, as far as I know, I PAY for my premium subscription each month to listen to the music of my choosing. Please don't shove your political agenda down my throat. #myspotifymychoice #backoffwithpolitics

Follow the guideline and get rid of that playlist then

Getting kind of hilarious.

Spotify: We're woke...look at our Black Music Matters playlist.


Spotify: But we want your business so we moved it to the very bottom of the Home page--maybe you won't notice.

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