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In solidarity: Black Lives Matter


In solidarity: Black Lives Matter


I want to remove category mentioned in title from the main screen of my Spotify app. How to do that? I do not want to take a part in any political fights, terrorist organizations or be anyhow connected to them by anyone (especially music app that I am using). Please post step by step solution how to remove/hide that category from my main screen, otherwise I will cancel all my subscriptions till end of the day. 

290 Replies


Your views matter. As long as they conform.

Hi everyone, I just posted this on Twitter - please copy this and tweet it out and make it go viral - maybe they will listen!

Hi @Spotify, as far as I know, I PAY for my premium subscription each month to listen to the music of my choosing. Please don't shove your political agenda down my throat. #myspotifymychoice

Great initiative! Also add #BackOffWithPolitics if you don't mind.

Full suport to OP. I'm here for music, not politics.
Also I want to mention, that All Lives Matter. Prefering any color in this sentence is just racist.

I am still in solidarity this morning it seems, the occult Lady Gaga is back poisoning the under 5's. There is a “Who Will Be Black Lives Matter” playlist, all the tunes are labelled explicit by people I have never heard before nor feel I want to. Heres the thing, the 1% are up to their tricks, hoovering up wealth and power, we have their plandemic, thats not worked, so the old race riot gig, its life, I fight it as best I can, draw attention etc, but sometimes a nice bit of Brian Eno to soften the pain and drift a while, once I got past all the sodding political rubbish by people barely out of school. If I take life advice from anyone then that person will be able to wear their trousers in an orderly fashion. 

I think perhaps when we log in there should be some questions asked, what kind of music do you like, some filters such as no auto tune, but a way that Spotify can tailor correct content. (Opens up occult worship for children playlist for names) DaBaby, Dua Lipa, Beyonce (he still going?) SAINt JHN….. Can these people even spell? What possible interest can these folk offer? 

Home page, stuff I am interested or could be interested in and no politics, simple requests and everybody can be happy.

They said they won't remove it smh... I contacted customer service 

Perhaps they just need more positive reinforcement? If you use social media, please try to get this trending (thanks to EmmaMagik for the initiative):

Hi @Spotify, as far as I know, I PAY for my premium subscription each month to listen to the music of my choosing. Please don't shove your political agenda down my throat. #myspotifymychoice #backoffwithpolitics

Fully agree with this sentiment. I would like to know if there are any alternative music streaming services that don't do this political garbage. If you think a brand cares about social issues and isn't just doing this for publicity, you are a tool. Very disappointed in Spotify and considering leaving.

I agree. I would not only like to state that it's not Spotify's place to push one or other political view but that it is highly risky to do so as well. I do not like racism and this action (a black lives matter section) can be seen as racism as well. Otherwise, would it not be fair to have a 'Proud to be white' playlist jammed in every paying user's face as well? Doesn't have the same ring to it, does it? In the campaign against racism, should you be selecting playlists purely based on the skin color of the artist?


Put more bluntly, I think this section displays a very poorly considered political agenda by Spotify indeed. I do like the music service but I am so violently opposed to these narrow-minded views that I will end my subscription if I have to see these kinds of things every other week. I do not like complaining in public but for this case I will in hopes that Spotify will change it's policy.

A protest should be designed to capture attention. If that is only attained by inconveniencing people it is probably a poor protest and may only cause aversion to the topic at hand. By the way, creating content purely based on skin color is racism as well.

I am not American but I really like their Second Amendment. You know, so you can also inconvenience people who confuse protesting with inconveniencing other people.

So just checked out Youtube Music and what a relief not to have propaganda thrown in my face all seems normal that side so will be taking my money over to that service.



Too bad that's owned by Google, the mother of all propaganda. Just go check their twitter account.

Thanks for the tip! I will check out Youtube Music, I believe they offer a free trial. I prefer Spotify in general, but I have no use for any service that is pushing politics of any kind. No thanks. I already cancelled my premium Spotify account, and under reasons I selected Other, and made it very clear that the reason is this BLM woke nonsense. Frankly, I would have done the same for any other political cause that gets pushed into my feed over which I have no control. If Spotify comes to their senses, I will reconsider my premium account, but I am open to suggestions for other platforms. Spotify has imo the best API, though - so it's a bit of a mystery how their home feed screens suck so much.

I am actually considering the same. I just need to find a music streaming service that doesn't support political nonsense. I don't give a damn about American politics and even if I did, it should never be used by a company towards PAYING customers. I will vote with my wallet unless Spotify removes this feature. If anyone has any suggestions of music streaming services that don't do this politics, I would be happy to hear it.

A perfect example is Nintendo actually showing their products on Twitter while Sony and Microsoft pander to leftist idiots. Everyone should vote with their wallet.

Unfortunately that is true and their are many services that I use that are all supporting this BLM agenda the difference is for me at least Spotify was the only one actively pushing it in my face I haven't seen it visible on other apps I use that's not to say they aren't pushing it on their social media platforms but it doesn't bother me too much as I'm not on social media and I'm not quite ready to live under a rock yet haha

Ah I think google is pushing it via ads if you use the free YouTube music I might be open to correction but I think that's what I just saw while testing. FML

What is wrong with you spotify? Paying attention to any race is just racism! We are ALLE humans. Black, white, hispanic, asian. Why do we need to face this**bleep** politicial propaganda stuff for the elections in OUR APP we PAY for?!
I just deleted spotify. I DO NOT want to hear about POLITICAL suff. I want to listen to MY MUSIC and RELAX

i just cancelled my subscribtion.

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