
Help Wizard

Step 1


take a guess how many ideas there are by using song numbers


take a guess how many ideas there are by using song numbers

lets have fun with song numbers by looking at your playlist and screenshotting the number and the song too


" EX: it can be like song and number 43-60 by screenshotting song/numbers 43-60"

I guess it's 11,000+. well im not going to screen shot my whole playlist here's the link

If you appreciate my answer, maybe give me a Like. follow my spotify? and community account here and go check out my spotify offline mode profile page here.
and if you want a different kind of spotify offline head here and it will be poston the idea submissions when they look through the ideas. keep up the good work!

Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.0_1-1677251585011.gif


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