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Student premium help!


Student premium help!

So I’ve been paying student premium (£4.99) for the past year and now I’m being charged the £9.99 again. I thought student premium is up to 4 years? It’s only been 2 years? 

Also, if I decide to subscribe to student premium again, will I be charged £4.99 straight away as I JUST PAID £9.99 a few days ago for my Spotify or will I be charged the £4.99 the following month instead? When will this direct debit go/change? 

2 Replies

Hey @Wahidatasnimx ,


Thanks for getting in touch. 


The Student Discount needs to be renewed every year, but you're right, it's valid for 4 years. Can you please let me know the last time you renewed your student discount? I'll be happy to help you with this.

Hello! I have the same problem i had renewed my student discount 2 years ago and they charged me full price 

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