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Question about prohibited applications and content from other services

Question about prohibited applications and content from other services

Hi everyone,


I'm looking to build an app that helps users share music across platforms. This could include a user providing an Apple Music song URL, and this app spits out the equivalent Spotify song URL and shows the album art (only from one service at a time) to confirm that the app found the version the user wants.


So for my question, would this be allowed by Spotify's developer policy? Since I'm not actually displaying content from both services at once, and would be providing a link for the user to access the displayed Spotify content, I don't think that this would cause any problems, but I want to be sure since this is a little unclear to me.


Here's an example of how I think the UI could display the content (note that the album art comes from the same service as the "converted" link):

Screenshot 2023-07-06 at 2.53.33 PM.png










If this does present issues, what can I do to avoid them? And if there is a problem how do websites like Songlink handle this in a way that's different from mine?


Thank you for your help!

1 Reply

Did you ever submit your app for review? We're currently developing a similar app and would like to know if this is permitted.

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