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Spotify stats or current_user_top_artists API call broken

Spotify stats or current_user_top_artists API call broken

I listen on quite a few devices (Echo, Android, Laptop), but using the 

current_user_top_artists API call, it seems clear that something isn't right. When I pull the results back for "short_term", I can see the following on the list (the first number is the ordering, the last number is the popularity which can be ignored):
37 Slash - 64
38 Trivium - 68
39 Mammoth WVH - 50
40 David Bowie - 82
The issue isn't my taste in music, it is that I listened to one Trivium album, once (before Xmas). I listened to Mammoth WVH quite a lot more often in the past few weeks. 
I have suspected this to be an issue for a while, but this kind of confirms it for me (I thought this occurred before so wanted to see if I could get it to occur again and it did).
I have linked to Spotify too, and that seems to be more accurate with 7 scobbles for Trivium, and 71 (10x!!) for Mammoth WVH. So assuming relies on the same tracking that Spotify use internally, is it something the API call is doing which is broken? Either way, *something* is broken.
2 Replies

Is there no response from Spotify because a fix is about to be announced imminently? 

Or because you just know it is broken? I have shelved my project. Spotify stats not being trustworthy is a bit of a problem, especially if you don't acknowledge it. It means anything I develop based on those is untrustworthy too. 😞

I was trying to address a similar issue but for some reason the message would just not be sent

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