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Sunset of libspotify. Please reconsider.

Sunset of libspotify. Please reconsider.

Hello Spotify,

yesterday libspotify was shutdown. I noticed that my DIY device has stopped working for my childrens devices. After some digging I came across that post:


I don't see any real alternative for libspotify to stream content. Just API to control Spotify connect. Do I miss something?

I know libspotify has been deprecated some years ago. Without a real alternative I couldn't replace it though.

I want to stream music and control playback with my RaspberryPi without any other client being connected.

There are many DIY open source solutions out there using (e.g. mopidy).

If there is no real alternative all my work, 1000s of hours spent and those of others be wasted.


Have a heart for developers and reconsider your decision!



40 Replies

Goodbye Spotify

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