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No puedo pagar mi Spotify Premium con dinero de PayP/ Can´t Pay my Spotify Premium with Paypal Money

No puedo pagar mi Spotify Premium con dinero de PayP/ Can´t Pay my Spotify Premium with Paypal Money

Buenas noches. Recientemente, compre mi Spotify Premium con PayPal, usando una tarjeta de debito VISA, con la cual se hizo el pago, desde PayPal. Le comente a un amigo, y me transfirio dinero a PayPal para pagarle el premium a el. Resulta que por alguna razon, cada vez que intento pagar, entra y todo a PayPal, pero cuando pago, me devuelve a la pagina principal de Spotify.

Good night. Recently i bought my Spotify Premium Account linked to my Facebook, using PayPal, and a VISA Debit Card linked to PayPal. A friend of mine, wanted to try too, so he sent me funds in PayPal. But, when i try to pay with PayPal, it enters in the payment page in PayPal, then when i "pay" it takes me back to Spotify Premium page, and the payment is not working for me. I tried a lot of times. (Pd: this is my Friends Account)

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