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Indeed it worked. But this is a technology epic fail. Just because they don't sell Echos in other countries...

Hi all

It hasn't worked for me - I am in the UK (have never been anywhere else) and both my spotify and amazon account are set to UK. The problem started this morning. I can listen on the echo to anything I manually request via my computer or mobile app, but alexa can't find anything by voice, whether in my library or not. Really annoying!

I went through Amazon support to try to fix this isue. After a while I was finally

requested to contact Spotify support as if the problem where theirs¿?



I don’t think it’s Spotify (though no expert). Try re-entering your UK address in Amazon (also - double check the country drop down as it had my UK address but the country set to US in the drop down at the top) then de-linking then re-linking your Spotify account in the Alexa app. 


On the Spotify side, I believe you need a Premium account - you may want to check your payment method has not expired as a final thought. 

In the US here and I'm having the same exact problem. Alexa will find some songs but other ones she will not be able to find them even though they are available in the spotify app. 


Example: I can say Alexa play songs by Mariah Carey and she will start playing the songs starting with a Christmas song. If I say, play Mariah Carey Merry Christmas she will say I can't find any songs by Mariah Carey. Super frustrating since I just reupped my sub.

Today I unregistered my Echo (#2)  and re registered it in my husband’s account. Now it won’t stream music at all. So I put it back in my acct and it works. Why is that? I already have echo#1 in MY acct and want my second one under husband’s frustrating! 

Last week Alexa suddenly stopped finding songs on Spotify, although I can play them through the app. We did move country over the last year, and have changed Amazon countries, but everything worked fine until last week. 


I tried resetting, deregistering, and changing country and location settings, but nothing works. I blame Spotify. Please fix, or I'll need to change music services.


HI, I;m having this issue too. My Echo is in the Netherlands but is registered as German (helps me get the right weather forecast as I am right on the border). Like most others here it worked fine until just over a week ago (as far as I'm aware). I tried unregistering and re-registering but no joy.

Your echo needs to be registered in the country it is in.

Thanks for your reply - unfortunately I can't do that. The Netherlands is not an option, and that's where I am. If this had always been the case I would mind, but up until two weeks ago it worked fine.

I started having this problem a month ago where it doesnt play genres or my kids kidz bop albums anymore. I am in canada but moved from the states in 2016 and the dot always worked flawlessly . have a feeling its relating to some update they did since echos were coming out in canada, If i say play rock or classical or holiday music it will normally play now it cant find it , ask to play a group or a song its not an issue. Got the 2nd gen same issue, there is a ticket in for myself with amazon , only been 2 days so far , awaiting for a fix because appears network related, even created a new amazon acct .  I just tested it with amazon music .. no luck.. i think its a major issue effecting not everyone but good portion of people

i personally think there is a bug somewhere ..i am having issues myself. i have a ticket in with amazon , tested it with amazon music also failed for asking it to play genres when it normally would play or couple albums dont play anymore

I´m in Spain and have the same issue.

Been working fine for one year, but now just can´t find songs from whatever artist on Spotify.

Really fed up!!

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Hi, I followed this solution and it worked for me in Spain.

I did the same except that I made a new amazon account and I linked echo to this account in the UK.

Thanks Miles! This worked for me, all I really needed to do was change my Amazon account to the UK (used my parents' address) and it was fixed. The trick is that unless you enter from the correct site that you are registered to - in my case - you can't change this setting.

All sorted now, although I technically had to lie about where I live.

My problem was that “Alexa, play jazz” (or whatever) wasn’t working.  


All the various address changes didn’t seem to work.  I think my actual Amazon account is mucked up in some way, probably from moving the address outside the UK before that was supported by Amazon.


To fix it (as suggested above) I created a new dummy amazon UK account, reset the echo and then set it up on the new account. After pairing it with Spotify it at last works fine.  I could even then change my address to Sweden.

For anyone still struggling with this, I wrote a post on how I fixed it. It seemed to be caused by a weird combination of region and locale settings on Amazon and the Echo.

Brilliant, thanks a lot. Been pulling my hair out for weeks with this problem. I followed your step by step guide and am back in business. Seems it was to do with my Amazon account registered in Spain as you suggested. Thank you so much for taking the time to write your step by step guide !!!!

Had the same issue, it turns out my Amazon account was registered to France. Just reset and now perfect.



Guys, you do not need to do a factory reset to make it works. Just align your localization on amazon and in alexa. Thats all. cheers


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