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Artists discography and Bio

Artists discography and Bio

I have an album on Spotify that has no artist bio and has another group with the same names album listed in our discography. Also we have an appearing on link which is not us. I have tried sending this info through to the Spotify team and they said they will deal with it but that was over 6 months ago. Please tell me how I can remedy this. I also asked to change our photo which was done so why can't I have control of our bio and discography links?. Any help will be appreciated.

17 Replies

Hey @user-removed 


Thanks for reaching over to us on the communtiy. ๐Ÿ™‚


Sorry to read that you're having troubles with your band being mixed up with another. Let us get this looked in to for you. To do so, can you send us the Spotify URI to your artist Profile page?


In regards to the bio details and profile pictures, you would need to reach out to our artist services teams over here. It may be worth contacting your label/aggregator to as they too can chase these details up from their end.


Hope that guides you further? Let us know if there's anything else we can help with.

Hi Jason. I just looked and on my page (alkemy007) it says Applied Science with the right picture but has the wrong album under the discography tab. When I type in the name of my album "Booze, Blues & Hip-Hop" I get to the page and click on Applied Science ((spotify:artist:4TpUZIsBZYtJCWW)) and it puts me to a page where it has the right album but it has no bio and is obviously not linked to my alkemy007 account. Thanks for your help.

Bios don't come from Spotify, they are provided by a 3rd party:

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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What about the vip request service?...I filled out an online form a long time ago though so I suppose that way is no good. Might have to go down the route of registering with All Music, they say it can take several months to update...sigh.

The VIP Request service can be pretty slow, but it shouldn't be more than a few weeks normally. How long have you been waiting?

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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It's been around 2-3 months. I am more interested in getting the right album listed for Applied Science to be honest. The bio is something I can wait for but at the moment, on my page there is the wrong Applied Science groups album listed in my discog which is a pain lol 

Not sure, but @Rorey might be able to split the pages?

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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Unfortunately, I don't have the ability to link an artist page to a user profile. 


@user-removed Have you tried contacting the artist services team again in the past week? I can ask someone to follow this case up if you do that. 

Yeah, I had a reply from someone a couple of weeks ago but nothing since, thanks.

Someone should be taking a closer look now, @user-removed. Please get back to me in a couple of days if nobody has contacted you or sorted the issue.



Okay, thanks for your help ๐Ÿ™‚

This is still an issue

Please can someone rectify this please. It has been an issue for over 3 months now, thanks.

@Rorey. Any idea how I can fix this?. I have heard nothing from anyone since we last spoke on here.

I'll take a look today. Hang in there. I'll get back to you shortly. 

that album's song names are totally wrong. i cant find bug report topic and i'm posting here. sorry. i wanna listen materia. but spotify plays me nothijngrad ๐Ÿ˜ž 

Novembre โ€“ Materia

Still nothing on this. I'm not being petulant but how do I delete our profile on here. It's useless having a profile with the wrong discography.

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