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Changed phone now cannot loggin anymore

Changed phone now cannot loggin anymore

Hi! I recently changed phones and now I cannot log into spotify anymore. I've tried using my old phone again but same messages occures "password wrong" 


I logg in with facebook and I have changed that password but still no succes! I have a premium account. Can anyone help me? 


Thank you! And Merry Christmas!

5 Replies

Was your account definitely creating using Facebook, or when you registered did you choose a Spotify username too? 

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Only facebook. Thought that was handy considering I tend to forget all those passwords 😉

@Renee16 -- your Spotify account looks fine, so using your Facebook details should work fine. Do you have the Facebook app downloaded on your phone? If so, it's probably worth downloading it, then logging into it. Then just clicking "login with Facebook" on Spotify should work okay.


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I have deleted my facebook and spotify app. And installed it again. 


After selecting every possible button I could find and entering every possible username/password...Which still did not work....


It was the "I am new on Spotify" that got me directly back into my playlists...... Strange... but he! I got my playlists back! ^^


|Thank you for your quick reply (on Christmas!!)


No worries - if you need help with anything else you know where to find us! 🙂

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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