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Facebook and Spotfiy

Facebook and Spotfiy

Hello! This problem has probably been posted here before so I'm sorry if this gets annoying. So...


I use my mothers Spotify account because she has a Premium subscription and she no longer uses her account so I claim it as mine since she no longer uses it. So to clarify I use my mother Spotify with a premium subscription that she doesn't use. Now I wouldn't have a problem with this at all but the only problem is that she signed up with her Facebook account and well.... I don't want that anymore. I want ot have the account as mine. Under my own account name. Even if it were to revoke the premium that'd be fine. I just don't want to lose all the music I've saved under the account. Is there anyway to seperate the account from Facebook and still retain my everything or is that impossible? Please let me know. 🙂

1 Reply

I put together a handy tutorial that will help you get set up on a new account (or there is a link to the support team if you would prefer someone from Spotify to lend a hand!):

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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