Help Wizard

Step 1


How did this happen?

How did this happen?



I'm paying for an Spotify unlimited account, and it's linked with my Facebook, sure... But, for some strange reason, when i logged into it a couple of days ago the account that's linked with my Facebook was changed to a Spotify free account.


I can still find my old account and playlist when i search for it, but when i try to login to Spotify using my old Unlimited account,, it says it's linked to my Facebook obviously... So when i login with my Facebook details i get some random Free account i even didn't set up...


What's up with this? How am i supposed to login to my old Spotify account when there's a new Spotify free account i linked to my Facebook account??


This confuses me really bad.

1 Reply

It sounds a lot like a duplicate account was somehow inadvertently created.  The best way to resolve this situation would be to contact Spotify directly, as they will likely need to verify some of your private information in order to pull up your account.  You can contact Spotify by clicking the "About Us" link at the top of this page, and then clicking on "Contact Form."  I hope you get this situation resolved!

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