
Help Wizard

Step 1


My spotify is not connecing correctly through facebook.

My spotify is not connecing correctly through facebook.

When I try to log into my spotify account through facebook (the blue "log in through facebook" button), it logs me in through the account i made for my children under my other email account. I have tried on three different types of devices (computer, tablet and phone) and they all did the same thing. Help!! I had thousands of songs that i have been collecting for 3 years!! What do I need to do??

1 Reply

Hey! Welcome to the community 🙂

It sounds like your Facebook created account has become merged with their's via the social integration. If you could get in touch with the customer services team directly using the online contact form they will be able to get you back to your account.

If you get an automated email reply back directing you to the community or help pages, you need to reply directly to that email (even if its from no-reply) and one of the customer services agents will get back to you as soon as possible.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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