Help Wizard

Step 1


Over charge

Over charge

Why was I just charged $12.99 when it says Premium is only $9.99???


3 Replies

Hello and welcome to the community! 🙂

where are you from? did you maybe purchased it via the ios app-store?


please answer so I'll continue my research 😉

Kind regards,

Max aka. Amarro

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( Twitter // Spotify )

What is a Spotify Rock Star and how do i become one?

Im not a Spotify Employee.

Hi and welcome to the community!


Keep calm. If you contact with the Spotify Consumer Support they can fix it, you only need to fill this contact form.


If you receive an automated email that leads you back to the community or help pages, reply to it (even if it's from "no-reply") and one of the Spotify team members will get back to you as soon as possible.


If I solved you problem don't forget to click on "Accept as Solution"

If I helped you, give me some kudos.



Always late T_T

The $12.99 fee definitely sounds like you purchased premium through the in-app purchase which costs more due to fees that App Stores charge.

If you want the cheapest price, always subscribe on

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