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Step 1


Playlist migration/copy between accounts

Playlist migration/copy between accounts



I'm the owner fo two accouts [Mod edit-email] and mmih . I created a second one and subscribed the Premium service and now I would like to have the playlists that I have in [Mod edit-email]. Could you please copy them or migrate them?


The playlists are:

"The Playlist"

"The Blues Moods"

"Listen Later and Decide ;)"

"My Albuns"

"New Findings"




[Mod edit - removed your email address from the post]

3 Replies

search for your other Account and Follow those selected Playlists under the account.



Already try that but following doesn't allow you to manage the songs there and I need to manage it 😞


Thanks for the tip 😉

You need to follow those playlists then copy and paste all of the tracks from them into new playlists which you own. There is no other way to do it unfortunately!



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