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Please Help - Phantom Tracks

Please Help - Phantom Tracks

Hello. I am having difficulties with my Spotify Premium account. I noticed about a week ago that while I was playing a song, album, or playlist of my choosing, my streaming was interupted by another track from a device I did not recognize. When I looked under "Devices", I saw a device called Spotiamb 0.2.1. I do not recognize this account or the music it played.


I saw other forums on this topic, and proceeded to follow the steps outlined. I removed all offline devices and logged out of Spotify on each of my devices. I changed not only my Spotify password, but the password to my Facebook account that was linked to the account. I even manually signed out of and signed back in to Spotify on multiple devices. None of this worked. My streaming and listening is still interupted unpredictably by the Spotiamb device.


Is there anything I can do? Have a been irrevocably hacked? Can this endanger other accounts linked with Spotify?


Thank you for your attention. 

1 Reply

Hey @markmurp, welcome to the community!


I saw that you have tried a lot of ways to solve it! 

You could try using a private WiFi network or your mobile data to see if you get the same interruption.


Tell me how it goes!

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