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Spotify Case... 01691841... please help

Spotify Case... 01691841... please help

The service was charged to my card last week and I can´t log in as a premium user, everything worked fine for a couple of months and now I cann´t log in and I lost my playlist´s... please help!


I move something on my facebook account i don´t know if that has something to do with the fact that i can no longer log in...

3 Replies

Hi there @user-removed  and welcome to the community! I'm assuming you already replied back to the no-reply email and hadn't heard anything back? 


When was this submitted? 

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No I didn´t reply...


This was submitted on monday.


thanks for your help

If you could reply directly to the automated email (ignore the fact it is from no-reply) someone will be in touch to lend a hand shortly.

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