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Step 1


lost all my playlists and premium account

lost all my playlists and premium account

Few days ago i changed my facebook pass.

After i tried to login on spotify again everthing was gone.

I lost al my favorite songs and playlists. I tried everthing from disconnecting my facebook account from my innitial acount. but this doesn't work. Is there anybody that can restore my account?

it's also not at the deleted playlist page.

i also used the costumer support contact form. but i still haven't had a reaction


please help me.

I want my song collection back





8 Replies

Hi. How long ago did you use the contact form? Did you received an automated response directing you back here or to the help pages? If so, please reply to it to make sure your case reaches one of the consultants.

Two days ago. I did receive a autmated respons directing me back here. And I now have resplied two times.

So I guess it will reach them

If you haven't heard anything by the end of today, pop the 8 digit case number here and I'll chase it up.

Thanks! I will do that

I still haven't had any reaction so this is my case number

# 01362498



I just escalated that to the team 🙂

Thanks for helping.

my premium account was connected to my old email adress.

I also changed that adress on my facebook.

So when i changed my password on facebook it lost connetion with the old email adress i guess.


But its now reconnected with my old email adress so thats why I'm using an other user name now.


alltogether everyting is fixed now.

Thank you a lot

Good news - enjoy your music 🙂

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