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2016 wrapped

2016 wrapped

Thanks for providing our personal playlists of our 2016 songs. I was amazed to see that I listened to Ky-Mani to be among his top 1% fan. However, I was surprised to see some songs that I can't really recognize. I am wondering if Spotify could also provide use with some statistical data? Or is Spotify planning to make an annonymized dataset public? I believe there must be a lot to learn. There could be a correlation between listeners, hit songs, new songs, ...


Thanks again Spotify

2 Replies

I love this too. Thanks, Spotify!
@kthouz - Do you know how to get to this playlist in the Windows desktop app?
Answered my own question... Under "Genres & Moods...
"2 0 1 6 Wrapped"

Very nice

I use Mac and I think that for any OS you could open the playlist from the email you received from spotify and click follow. The playlist will always appear in the list of your playlosts and you can play it on your PC or mobile app whenever and wherever you want 🙂 

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