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Account in Canada trough sneak preview doesn't work

Account in Canada trough sneak preview doesn't work



this is what I wrote to the support team but I got an email telling me to ask here...

a couple of weeks ago, I created an account trough a code I got for Canadian listeners (it was a sneak preview thing). I was very happy to finally be able to use Spotify in Canada. However, when I created my account, my country was set to USA. At first, I thought it was normal (since it was a preview for Canada) and I didn't make much of it.

Now I can't use Spotify on my desktop or mobile devices. I get the message that I can't use Spotify abroad for more than 14 days. I asked my friend (who also got a code a couple of weeks ago) if his country was USA or Canada. Turns out he has Canada. I tried to change country but the option is locked up.

Is there something I can do to fix the issue?


4 Replies


When you received an automated reply, did you reply directly to that? 

Hope this helped 🙂

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Spotify support will be able to make the change manually for you. Quickest way to get in touch is normally via Twitter: @SpotifyCares.


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Well, no, the reply address was so I figured it would do nothing. I was surprised to see that all they did was to tell me to ask in the forums. That wasn't very helpful.

I'll try the twitter route, then, thanks Peter.

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