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Step 1


Change of e-mail

Change of e-mail

I need help changing my email, the one i have on my spotify account is a old one thats gone, the problem is that the one i whant to change to is registerd to a diffrent spotify account. how can i delete the old spotify and put that e-mail adress on the spotify account i use now???

1 Reply

Hi there! The only people who can break the link from the old account is the Spotify Support team. Someone from there should be able to associate the email to your account. They can be reached through their Twitter Page @SpotifyCares or through the online contact form.

Make sure to check your inbox and junk folder for an email from Spotify. Once you get it, make sure to reply back right away, even if it says it's from a "no-reply" email. This will assign your case to a Spotify rep and you should hear back within 24 hours.


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