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Discover Weekly photo

Discover Weekly photo

Hi, I don't know what Spotify uses for to choose a cover for the Discover Weekly playlist. Mine is a pic I posted on Facebook months ago and it's so bad for me right now. Could I change it? Thanks a lot!

6 Replies

Hello there and welcome to the community,


If your Spotify is connected to Facebook, the picture taken for the Discover Weekly playlist is usually your Facebook profile picture.

SoundofusSpotify Star
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Thanks, I supossed that, but this was an old pic profile, and I don't have it anymore...

Hey there,

I just emailed Spotify about this...there's no way to change the photo for now. Bummer right?? 

Update: they just fixed it! The Discover Weekly photo, by default, it now shows a photo of an astronaut. Good enough for me! 🙂

How did you get it to the astronaut? 

How did you get this done? I need to dissapear my ex

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