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Email Changing

Email Changing

I was wondering how I could change the email on my Spotify account? I followed what the online guidance said and changed my email on Facebook (as I set up my Spotify through my facebook account) but (two months later) my Spotify email still hasn't changed? 

I wanted to attach my account to a family account that I'm about to set up, but as I cannot access the email account I set up my facebook with (which my Spotify account is subsequently attached to), I can't do this. Any support/guidance would be much appreciated, thank you.

3 Replies

Hey @CainG,


Seems like this is something that has to be look at backstage. You can contact the friendly support folks through this link, they'd be happy to help you out 🙂 Let us know if there's anything else we can help with!


Have a great day!


Hey Spotify fam, 


If you navigate to the account page (ie. Under "Account overview" click "Edit Profile". From here, you can change your email address. 


If you are having issues from a mobile device, I would highly suggest trying from a laptop or desktop. I hope this helps




Hey @keepbouncing,


Thanks for thinking with us! That's great 🙂 


This is only possible if you have an account created directly through Spotify. The OP has a Facebook created account, which won't allow them to do this through the website. 


Your input is appreciated though, and I bet this will help other users! 


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