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Hacked TWICE

Hacked TWICE

Hi Spotify, today I realized that for the SECOND time this month someone I DO NOT KNOW is using my account I am PAYING FOR. They are deleting my playlists I have spent 5 years creating and are simply using my account as their own. I have changed password multiple times and disconnected all devices. This is unacceptable and there is clearly something not right in the way you manage people's security. 


I am therefore not going to use nor pay for Spotify and would like to be able to remove my credit card information from your website as even if I canceled my premium account, you keep the information, allowing anyone to resume my subscription by the push of a button.


Again, I am not the only one who has faced this issue and you clearly are not doing anything to resolve it. 

1 Reply

Hey @user-removed and welcome to the community !


If your account has been hacked and it happened more than once, I would recommend you to contact support through the anonymous contact form. This is alternative form so you can enter an email which you can access to get the reply, please make sure that this is an email that is not compromised, and that you have access to it.


Support takes usually 24-48 hours to respond

Have a nice day 🙂

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