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How to accept a Family invite?

How to accept a Family invite?

Is the site down right now.  I can get everywhere in the account settings except for being able to accept the invite for a family account.  I tried muliple computers and browsers and if I click the link in the sent email it just takes me to spotify and spins and spins forever.  I assume I am doing the eact thing I need to do.  Is this a common bug with the web site?  Is it just down today?

8 Replies

i have the same problem

I have the same problem, please help

I have the same problem, I can not accept the invitation. 

Stesso problema anche a me.
Carica la pagina dell'invito all'infinito.
Come possiamo risolvere? Se continua a non funzionare saremo costretti a chiedere il rimborso della spesa effettuata. Qualcuno ci risponderà?

The same problem also me.
Upload the invitations page to infinity.
How can we solve it? If it continues to fail, we will be forced to claim reimbursement of the expense. Will anybody answer us?

I have the same problem. Did anyone ever get a fix?

Yo pudé aceptar la invitación familiar unos días despues de comentar aqui, pero realmente no recuerdo (o no se si supé) que lo solucionó, ya que en ese entonces habia intermitencia en el servicio de spotify, ademas de que mi cuenta tenia un pais diferente, tambien intente dar de baja la suscripcion premium de 30 dias gratis, ademas de que habia mandado solicitud para spotify universitario o escolar, despues pedí que me mandarán de nuevo la invitación y creo que ya pude aceptarla. Espero que lo resuelvas pronto porque se lo frustrante que es. Suerte!

ohh I just noticed your comment is in English hahah oh well, basically I can't remember what was the fix since I tried several things, one was to check the country on my account which was incorrect, I also canceled my 30 days free trial suscription, plus the spotify service had intermitence around those days, after trying all of that, a couple of days after, I asked for a new invite which I could accept. Hope you get this fixed soon, I know how frustrating this can be. Good luck!

I finally got to chat with someone and he was super helpful! I had sent 5 invitations and when I clicked on my daughter's invitations, it just sent me back to my subscription page. Here's what I had to do: 


  • Go on their devices to accept the invitation
  • it will take you to their spotify apps - they have to have their own user names (if they don't, sign up for the free account first)
  • Log into their accounts (user name/paswword) - I've actually had to reset their PWs first 
  • Once you're logged on, just follow the prompts and they're in!

Hope this helps!

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