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Spotify keeps logging me out!

Spotify keeps logging me out!

Spotify keeps logging me out. When i dont have internet i cannot log back in to listen to the music i am paying for, 


This never used to be a problem untill the new updated version arrived.


Also it keeps un installing my songs so again when i do not have internet i cannot listen to the music i am paying for.


They say you can listen to music when offline. This is not workiong for me at the moment.


It is causing me to drift away from using this app even though its awsome.



5 Replies

Hi. What device is this happening on?

Samsung S4, this happens very frequent, almost every day. Its just hard work to listen to my music on the go 😕

Could you try reinstalling spotify, following the steps in this post. It seems drastic but will make sure you start with a completely clean installation.

Yes i will try a fresh install.


Thank you for the help.


Im hoping this will sort my problems out as i really enjoy using the program but cannot continue if it doesnt let me play my music 😕

@Stocky - Just checking in, any luck with this?

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