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Step 1


The date I was downgraded?

The date I was downgraded?

I was downgraded from premium too free. But I need to find the date I was downgraded because the phone company I signed spotify through keep billing me for premium.


So, where can I see the date?

5 Replies

Hey there,


do you have the last receipt somewhere in your emails? There you can see the date it was applied and maybe the timeframe how long the subscribtion should last.

Do your payments show up as receipts here?

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No, the receipt only states when I was signed up in 2010, it says nothing on when I was downgraded. I have been paying for spotify throught my phonecompany and not directly to spotify. The problem starts when I changed phonecompany and spotify downgraded, but they keep billing me for spotify.


Hm in that case I suggest reaching out to the official support team by using this contact form: They can cancel your subscription and add your new payment method if you want that.

If you receive an automated email that leads you back to the community or help pages, reply to it (even if it's from "no-reply") and one of the Spotify team members will get back to you as soon as possible.

thanx, I try to get in contact with support. Let's see if I get reply instead of auto generated answers 🙂

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