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Unlimited not so unlimited

Unlimited not so unlimited

A while ago my Spotify didn't take the payments anymore and my subscription for Unlimited (4.99 EUR a month) was somehow swooped away and now I'm on Free. When I tried to pay manually, it just gives options for Free and Premium (9.99 EUR a month).


So no contact was made, no "news" about this sort of change, just dropped from my subscription without any notice and now it is expected that I pay double for the same music that I used to listen without ads? Not going to happen.


I made a contract with Spotify and they single endedly changed it without asking first, so that's it, I'm done. Not going to pay double for the same as the old one was.


Way to go Spotify, breached a contract and lost a customer. Again.

4 Replies

Hey there.


Free is Unlimited. You get now Unlimited for free. How great is that?


There ads however on Free Unlimited, but with Premium you can turn the club around!

hpguru, I paid 4.99 EUR per month to get no ads and now Spotify has changed it without notifying and expects me to pay 9.99 EUR for the same thing (no ads). So, it isn't what i signed up for, which was the Unlimited plan (which was 4.99 EUR per month). So Free isn't cutting it, as it has ads and Premium is just double what I was paying for.


May I suggest that the next replier actually reads the opening post before replying?

I'm sorry, but there is no Unlimited anymore. It is removed completely as paid sub.

@hpguru wrote:

I'm sorry, but there is no Unlimited anymore. It is removed completely as paid sub.

I'm sorry to be blunt, but are you really that bad in reading and understanding what a person is saying? because it has taken you two replies to essentially repeat what I already said the the opening post!


Of course it is removed, but as I said, WITHOUT even a notification! Spotify didn't honor the contract I had with them, so I'm not going to pay anymore. This is the issue I was talking about in the first place: Spotify giving a s*it about their existing users.

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