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Unlimited useless on mobile


Unlimited useless on mobile

Hi I recieved a gift card which I redeemd on my mobile, after still having all the adds I looked into what the differences are.


As it is my first time using a gift card and the first option was for unlimited I clicked ok, after now going through the community I am aware that this has been a waste of my gift card as unlimited is useless on my phone. The card does state I can make a choice between Premium or unlimited, but not that unlimited is nul & void on a mobile device, I only wanted to get rid of the ads. Now I have ads and a wasted gift card.


Why is unlimited even an option when redeeming a gift card useing a mobile device?




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Hi there,

Welcome at the Spotify Community!


Spotify Unlimited isn't even available for sale right now, the only plans we have are Free and Premium.

I'm not sure if we can help you, but if you get in touch with the Spotify Consumer team, then maybe then can help you (I can't promise anything).

You may get in touch with Spotify via their Twitter page (@SpotifyCares), or by following this link to send an e-mail.
If you send an e-mail, please check your inbox (and spam box) to check for their automatic reply. Once you get it, please reply to it immediatly (even if it's from an no-reply e-mail addres) to make sure an Spotify employee will get back to you as soon as possible.

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If the link I gave you redirected you to the Dutch version, then you should be fine 🙂

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You may find you get a faster reply in English 😉

The team should be able to swap it over for you, for future reference there is a summary of the different subscriptions here:

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Thank you very much Spotify customer support!!! My gift card has been changed from unlimited to premium.

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6 Replies
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Hi there,

Welcome at the Spotify Community!


Spotify Unlimited isn't even available for sale right now, the only plans we have are Free and Premium.

I'm not sure if we can help you, but if you get in touch with the Spotify Consumer team, then maybe then can help you (I can't promise anything).

You may get in touch with Spotify via their Twitter page (@SpotifyCares), or by following this link to send an e-mail.
If you send an e-mail, please check your inbox (and spam box) to check for their automatic reply. Once you get it, please reply to it immediatly (even if it's from an no-reply e-mail addres) to make sure an Spotify employee will get back to you as soon as possible.

Should I have sent the message be in English? I have a auto reply, it's in Englsih, my message was in Dutch....

Marked as solution

If the link I gave you redirected you to the Dutch version, then you should be fine 🙂

Marked as solution

You may find you get a faster reply in English 😉

The team should be able to swap it over for you, for future reference there is a summary of the different subscriptions here:

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

If this post was helpful, please add kudos below!

Marked as solution

Thank you very much Spotify customer support!!! My gift card has been changed from unlimited to premium.


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